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The major KVCC trip for 2020 , Corvette Adventures at Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, was originally scheduled to occur from June 4 thru June 6th, but due to the "everybody's tired of by now" covid dilemma, it was pushed back to August 27 - 29th.  Nevertheless, at a bright & early 7:30 AM on Wednesday August 26th the group met at Schneidewind's in Marissa  and headed up route 4 to I-55 for a rendezvous with Dave & Marilyn who were coming over  from southern Missouri. With Kevin & Jane at the point, we were off to the north on another adventure, to Corvette Adventures actually.  We picked up I-39 at Bloomington and stayed with it thru Rockford where it combined with I-90 for  several miles. One Corvetteer thought he knew the rest of the route to The Dells and didn't make the split off of I-90 with the rest of the group....There's always this ONE GUY.... But everyone made it to The Chula Vista resort in time to register  and meld into our accommodations, fairly road weary. (more to come)


The general format of Corvette Adventures is to take drives through the Wisconsin countryside beginning from The Chula Vista Resort at The Dells and follow your leader Corvette to various destinations with stops and sights  of interest along the way, then back to Chula Vista. There are usually 4 or 5 tours  at different times throughout the two day event  to choose from so you or your group can choose and coordinate with any other activities you might want to do. We chose The Spirited Mystery Tour that launched bright and EARLY at 7:45 Thursday  morning (Whos idea was that??? we all wondered!).






Corvette Adventures  2020   


The 2019 Bourbon Trail Drive



The September 6 - 8th Bourbon Trail  Drive 

 Jeff recounted at the  September meeting the amazing drive through the Hoosier Natl. Forest on Indiana 150 and the tours following our arrival in Louisville. Angel's Envy led us through a wonderfully detailed  tour of their beautiful distillery in Louisville. Some purchases of said product were made before heading on down to Bardstown and our accommodations for Friday evening including dinner at Kurtz Restaurant in the old Parkview Motel. 

 Saturday morning found us at Heaven Hill & Maker's Mark  distilleries. The grounds, the distillery and the rickhouses and cold storage at the Maker's Mark complex were unmatched on this trip.  Again, some purchases of resultant product were made...Afternoon caught up with us at the Barton's 1792  distillery tour where the tour AND the samples were free... More booze was bought here...from there, as Luther says, "it gets kinda fuzzy"!


Saturday evening was enjoyed at the front end of our "drag strip long"  motel sharing our experiences, past and present, and sharing the lobby area with two more groups of revelers.....

(note to self: coming up short on details here)



Sunday morning after the usual motel breakfast tempered with plenty of black and other colored coffee, we set off for home. Two Corvettes of the group left on a different route searching for  the lost southwest passage short cut , north thru "whutwusdattown" and home.....They reported seeing awesome countryside, driving over numerous mysterious byways that always left the compasses reading "NW" despite numerous and frequent  " "lefties" and "righties" and nearly beating the rest of the group to an I 64 rendevous later in the day....

After that, the original group split off to eat (again)  and visit a place with a "giant rocking chair", so I don't what kind of fumes they may have passed through on their part of the journey....

 If one can judge by the remarks of the discussion of this trip at the September meeting, there were plenty of good times, humor and camaraderie involved.

Again, a BIG THANK YOU  to Jeff & Donna for organizing a super club outing!

Our Trip to Bowling Green

 On Friday July 12 th, a group of KVCC members met at Pinckneyville and set off for Bowling Green, Kentucky with one destination in mind, the National Corvette Museum.

 We traveled mostly two lane highways across Rend Lake, thru Sesser, Benton and Harrisburg until we reached the Ohio River bridge at Shawneetown, IL. There we crossed into the Bluegrass State and proceeded thru, or should we say around,  Morganfield, Henderson and Owensboro Kentucky. This route landed us on The William Natcher Parkway (I-165) headed south. We arrived at our lodging later that afternoon and were truthfully glad to get off of the road.

  We had hoped to dine out and get down to Circus Square Park and enjoy an evening of listening to a Kentucky band by the name of Frontier. The reviews were good and we were looking forward to a laid back hometown concert in the park. Unfortunately, the  number of other events coinciding with our visit to BG put us into a situation very much like what we found in Paducah after our trip to The Trace..There was a Camaro Fest happening at Beech Bend Raceway and the local MiLB Hot Rods baseball team had a home game. This along with the hundreds of local folks who came out for the music complicated matters a bit. Dinner at Steamer Seafood Kitchen was very good but turned out to be a long event and left us time to hear only a couple of songs before The band's time was up in the park.

  We then made our way back to LaQuinta  for a nightcap and great conversation (we even managed to get into a bit of dutch) before seeking the arms of Morpheus...

         more to come......


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